Using UABgrid Web Sites

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The Research Computing Team

In order to use many of the services offered on UABgrid, you will need to trust the UABgrid Certificate Authority (CA). This is accomplished by adding the UABgrid CA's root certificate to the list of trusted CAs recognized by your web browser or other client application


From a systems perspective, the decision to trust (ie. import) the UABgrid CA root certificate is equivalent to deciding to "trust" a desktop computer physically approaching it an launching application links presented in it's menus. The trust expressed through physical proximity and visual familiarity with your desktop system is expressed electronically via the PKI infrastructure leveraged by UABgrid.

Configuring UABgrid Trust in IE7

Internet Explorer 7 will present the following warning message when you attempt to use a secure connection to access a UABgrid web site that uses a UABgrid CA certificate. More technically, the error occurs when you use use HTTPS (SSL) connections to access a web site that identifies itself using a certificate issued by the UABgrid CA.


While you can ignore this error and proceed eventhough IE7 cautions against this, you will continue to get these annoying warnings whenever you access such a site.

The better solution is to tell IE7 to trust UABgrid. This will allow smooth access to all sites identified by UABgrid.

Begin the import of the UABgrid CA by clicking here to load the UABgrid CA root certificate with your browser. This should launch the certificate import process.

The first dialog you see will be another warning:


This message is simply saying that IE7 doesn't recognize the publisher of this certificate. This is the expected response. Press "Open" to open the certificate.

The next dialog is the actual import step. This dialog also uses very strong wording urging caution:


This warning is saying that once you trust this CA, IE7 will no longer warn you about sites that use certificates issued by the UABgrid CA. This is what we want to achieve, but before you continue, you should verify the"Thumbprint" number shown in the middle of the dialog on your desktop. It should read:

Thumbprint (sha1): DDBB73C6 0FE21B5B B1DAE981 C8D5B502 C0861431

This is the unique signature of the "UABgrid CA v1.0" root certificate.

If this number matches the thumbprint on your dialog, you should click "Yes".

The UABgrid CA v1.0 root certificate is now imported into your browser.

IE7 must now be restarted completely (close all IE7 windows) in order for it to properly recognize UABgrid sites without warnings.

Note if you don't close all your IE7 windows, IE7 will display a light red warning background in the location box for sites that use a UABgrid certificate. This warning indicator will go away once IE7 is completely restarted.