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[ Slurm] is a queue management system and stands for Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management. Slurm was developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab and currently runs some of the largest compute clusters in the world. Slurm is now the primary job manager on Cheaha, it replaces SUN Grid Engine (SGE) the job manager used earlier.
The Slurm documentation has moved to the new documentation site at

Slurm is similar in many ways to GridEngine or most other queue systems. You write a batch script then submit it to the queue manager (scheduler). The queue manager then schedules your job to run on the queue (or '''partition''' in Slurm parlance) that you designate. Below we will provide an outline of how to submit jobs to Slurm, how Slurm decides when to schedule your job, and how to monitor progress.
The obsolete content for the original page can be accessed via [[Obsolete: Slum]] for historical reference.
=== General Slurm Documentation ===
The primary source for documentation on Slurm usage and commands can be found at the [ Slurm] site. If you Google for Slurm questions, you'll often see the Lawrence Livermore pages as the top hits, but these tend to be outdated.
A great way to get details on the Slurm commands is the man pages available from the Cheaha cluster. For example, if you type the following command:
man sbatch
you'll get the manual page for the sbatch command.
=== Slurm Partitions ===
Cheaha has the following Slurm partitions (can also be thought of in terms of SGE queues) defined (the lower the number the higher the priority).
'''Note:'''Jobs '''must request''' the appropriate partition (ex: ''--partition=short'') to satisfy the jobs resource request (maximum runtime, number of compute nodes, etc...)
=== Logging on and Running Jobs from the command line ===
Once you've gone through the [ account setup procedure] and obtained a suitable [ terminal application], you can login to the Cheaha system via ssh
  ssh '''BLAZERID'''
Alternatively, '''existing users''' could follow these [ instructions to add SSH keys] and access the new system.
Cheaha (new hardware) run the CentOS 7 version of the Linux operating system and commands are run under the "bash" shell (the default shell). There are a number of Linux and [ bash references], [ cheat sheets] and [ tutorials] available on the web.
=== Typical Workflow ===
* Stage data to $USER_SCRATCH (your scratch directory)
* Determine how to run your code in "batch" mode. Batch mode typically means the ability to run it from the command line without requiring any interaction from the user.
* Identify the appropriate resources needed to run the job. The following are mandatory resource requests for all jobs on Cheaha:
** Number of processor cores required by the job
** Maximum memory (RAM) required per core
** Maximum runtime
* Write a job script specifying queuing system parameters, resource requests, and commands to run program
* Submit script to queuing system (sbatch script.job)
* Monitor job (squeue)
* Review the results and resubmit as necessary
* Clean up the scratch directory by moving or deleting the data off of the cluster
=== Batch Job ===
'''TODO: ''' provide an explanation of what makes a batch job and why use that vs an interactive job
For additional information on the '''sbatch''' command execute '''man sbatch''' at the command line to view the manual.
==== Example Batch Job Script ====
A job consists of '''resource requests''' and '''tasks'''. The Slurm job scheduler interprets lines beginning with '''#SBATCH''' as Slurm arguments. In this example, the job is requesting to run 1 task
'''Note:'''Jobs '''must request''' the appropriate partition (ex: ''--partition=short'') to satisfy the jobs resource request (maximum runtime, number of compute nodes, etc...)
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --output=res.txt
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --partition=express
#SBATCH --time=10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
srun hostname
srun sleep 60
[ Click here] for more example SLURM job scripts.
=== Interactive Session ===
Login Node (the host that you connected to when you setup the SSH connection to Cheaha) is supposed to be used for submitting jobs and/or lighter prep work required for the job scripts. '''Do not run heavy computations on the login node'''. If you have a heavier workload to prepare for a batch job (eg. compiling code or other manipulations of data) or your compute application requires interactive control, you should request a dedicated interactive node for this work.
Interactive resources are requested by submitting an "interactive" job to the scheduler. Interactive jobs will provide you a command line on a compute resource that you can use just like you would the command line on the login node. The difference is that the scheduler has dedicated the requested resources to your job and you can run your interactive commands without having to worry about impacting other users on the login node.
Interactive jobs, that can be run on command line,  are requested with the '''srun''' command.
srun --ntasks=4 --mem-per-cpu=4096 --time=08:00:00 --partition=medium --job-name=JOB_NAME --pty /bin/bash
This command requests for 4 cores (--ntasks) with each task requesting size 4GB of RAM for 8 hrs (--time).
More advanced interactive scenarios to support graphical applications are available using [ VNC] or X11 tunneling [ X-Win32 2014 for Windows]
Interactive jobs that requires running a graphical application, are requested with the '''sinteractive''' command, via '''Terminal''' on your VNC window.
sinteractive --ntasks=4 --mem-per-cpu=4096 --time=08:00:00 --partition=medium --job-name=JOB_NAME
== Job List - SQUEUE ==
To check your job status, you can use the following command
squeue -u $USER
Following fields are displayed when you run '''squeue'''
JOBID - ID assigned to your job by Slurm scheduler
PARTITION - Partition your job gets, depends upon time requested (express(max 2 hrs), short(max 12 hrs), medium(max 50 hrs), long(max 150 hrs), sinteractive(0-2 hrs))
NAME - JOB name given by user
USER - User who started the job
ST - State your job is in. The typical states are PENDING (PD), RUNNING(R), SUSPENDED(S), COMPLETING(CG), and COMPLETED(CD)
TIME - Time for which your job has been running
NODES - Number of nodes your job is running on
NODELIST - Node on which the job is running
For more details on '''squeue''', go [ here].
== Job Status ==
=== SSTAT ===
The '''sstat''' command shows status and metric information for a running job.
'''NOTE: the job parts must be executed using ''srun'' otherwise ''sstat'' will not display useful output'''
[rcs@login001 ~]$ sstat 36145
TODO: paste example output
For more details on '''sstat''', go [ here].
=== SCONTROL ===
$ scontrol show jobid -dd 123
JobId=123 JobName=SLI
  UserId=rcuser(1000) GroupId=rcuser(1000)
  Priority=4294898073 Nice=0 Account=(null) QOS=normal
  JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
  Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
  RunTime=06:27:02 TimeLimit=08:00:00 TimeMin=N/A
  SubmitTime=2016-09-12T14:40:20 EligibleTime=2016-09-12T14:40:20
  StartTime=2016-09-12T14:40:20 EndTime=2016-09-12T22:40:21
  PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
  Partition=medium AllocNode:Sid=login001:123
  ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
  NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=24 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
  Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
    Nodes=c0003 CPU_IDs=0-23 Mem=10000
  MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryNode=10000M MinTmpDiskNode=0
  Features=(null) Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
  Shared=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
  Power= SICP=0
== Job History ==
TODO: Provide some examples of using the '''sacct''' or our wrapper '''rc-sacct''' to view historical information.
This example uses the rc-sacct wrapper script, for comparison here is the equivalent sacct command:
$ sacct --starttime 2016-08-30 \
      --allusers \
$ rc-sacct --allusers --starttime 2016-08-30
    User        JobID    JobName  Partition      State  Timelimit              Start                End    Elapsed    MaxRSS  MaxVMSize  NNodes      NCPUS        NodeList
--------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------
kxxxxxxx 34308        Connectom+ interacti+    PENDING  08:00:00            Unknown            Unknown  00:00:00                              1          4  None assigned
kxxxxxxx 34310        Connectom+ interacti+    PENDING  08:00:00            Unknown            Unknown  00:00:00                              1          4  None assigned
dxxxxxxx 35927        PK_htseq1    medium  COMPLETED 2-00:00:00 2016-08-30T09:21:33 2016-08-30T10:06:25  00:44:52                              1          4      c0005
          35927.batch      batch            COMPLETED            2016-08-30T09:21:33 2016-08-30T10:06:25  00:44:52    307704K    718152K        1          4      c0005
bxxxxxxx 35928                SI    medium    TIMEOUT  12:00:00 2016-08-30T09:36:04 2016-08-30T21:36:42  12:00:38                              1          1      c0006
          35928.batch      batch                FAILED            2016-08-30T09:36:04 2016-08-30T21:36:43  12:00:39    31400K    286532K        1          1      c0006
          35928.0        hostname            COMPLETED            2016-08-30T09:36:16 2016-08-30T09:36:17  00:00:01      1112K    207252K        1          1      c0006
Additional information about the sacct command can be found by running '''man sacct''' or [ found here]
The rc-sacct wrapper script supports the following arguments:
$ rc-sacct --help
  Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Hanby, University of Alabama at Birmingham IT Research Computing.
  rc-sacct - version 1.0.0
  Run sacct to display history in a nicely formatted output.
    -r, --starttime                  HH:MM[:SS] [AM|PM]
                                    MMDD[YY] or MM/DD[/YY] or MM.DD[.YY]
    -a, --allusers                  Dispay hsitory for all users)
    -u, --user user_list            Display hsitory for all users in the comma seperated user list
    -f, --format a,b,c              Comma separated list of columns: i.e. --format jobid,elapsed,ncpus,ntasks,state
        --debug                      Display additional output like internal structures
    -?, -h, --help                  Display this help message
== Slurm Variables ==
The following is a list of useful Slurm environment variables (click here for the [ full list]):
== SGE - Slurm ==
This section shows Slurm and SGE equivalent commands
  SGE                  Slurm 
---------            ------------
  qsub                  sbatch 
  qlogin                sinteractive
  qdel                  scancel
  qstat                  squeue
To get more info about individual commands, run : '''man SLURM_COMMAND''' . For an extensive list of Slurm-SGE equivalent commands, go [ here]

Latest revision as of 17:24, 30 August 2022

The Slurm documentation has moved to the new documentation site at

The obsolete content for the original page can be accessed via Obsolete: Slum for historical reference.